Alicante province has a large variety of birds, several wetlands with an abundance of bird varieties

After making the move to Spain to retire he has been a resident in the Alicante province since 2018  he is also a member of AEFONA the  Spanish Association of Nature Photographers.

Alicante province has a large variety of birds, several wetlands with an abundance of bird varieties that make wildlife photography an absolute joy, with the yearly migration to the region bringing an abundance of variety during the autumn and winter months due to Alicante’s milder climate.

Finding interesting and varied bird species to photograph is never too much of a challenge.

though it may be necessary to travel further inland to encounter more raptors.

Starting his photographic journey at the age of 10 with a Kodak Brownie, for his 14th birthday, he was given a Zorki 4 Rangefinder camera where he began to develop a keen interest in photography.

Progressing through various brands of cameras over the years, two of his early favourites were Chinon CM4 using Pentax K mount lenses and Contax RTS II with motor drive.

With an interest in motor racing, he incorporated photography which was essentially the next progression along the photography path.

Taking every opportunity he was able to on Saturdays to visit Crystal Palace Racing track in South London when motor racing was on, to capture images of the drivers and cars going around the circuit.

It was all black & white photography then, he eventually set up a black & white darkroom and developed all his own photographs using a gnome darkroom enlarger trying various makes of photographic solutions (Patterson’s developing and fixing solutions was common then) learning many new skills in the process, things that are taken for granted today in the software we use. e.g dodging/burning and other skills.

As a self-taught photographer he has experimented over the years and improved his photography skills by trying various genres of photography including Motor Racing, Portraiture, Wedding, fashion models as well as maternity photography, however, he has found his passion to be with birds.

 All bird species but taking a particular interest in birds of prey

His interest in bird photography and in particular birds of prey became a passion over twelve years ago when he began to take an active interest in nature and wildlife with the incredible abundance, splendour and variety that exists in the animal kingdom, particularly with the astonishing varieties and colours of birds throughout the world.

‘How the various climates around the world have a bearing on the types of birds that exist in those habitats’

Antonio Enjoys the peace, tranquillity and joy that photographing Birds in the Alicante wetlands with the abundance of birds to be found.

make wildlifr photography a pleasure

My wife Tina, I attribute 95% of bird sightings too

“she is absolutely amazing at spotting birds in the most camouflaged of locations”

Love you loads

'We can learn a lot from nature 'We are responsible for the environment we create.

The animals have no choice but to suffer what we pollute'